
by @coolestrogen


What is transvalues?

Transvalues is, in essence, a half serious shitpost quiz that attempts to assign percentages for eight different values related to trans issues. It is generally made for trans people but cis people very familiar with trans issues can probably take it too. You will be presented by a statement, and then you will answer with your opinion on the statement, from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree, with each answer slightly affecting your scores. At the end of the quiz, your answers will be compared to the maximum possible for each value, thus giving you a percentage. Answer honestly!

There are questions in the test.

this is a fork of 8values, which you can check out here

Axes explained

"Twitter User", a member of the twitter subculture. Overtly progressive and terminally online.

"4chan User", a member of the 4chan /tttt/ subculture. It's 4chan meets trans people, what else can I say? Terminally online.

"Truscum", a term coined by a Tumblr user meaning true transsexual scum. It is often refered to as transmedicalism or "transmed". It is broadly defined as the belief that being transgender is contingent upon experiencing gender dysphoria or undergoing medical treatment in transitioning. Transmedicalists believe that individuals who identify as transgender but who do not experience gender dysphoria or have no desire to undergo a medical transition—through methods such as sex reassignment surgery or hormone replacement therapy, are not genuinely transgender. Some hardline truscum circles may also exclude those whose gender is non-binary from being trans.

"Self-ID" is pretty self explanatory. Self-ID advocates say that you are the gender you say you are, no matter what. Contrary to truscums, they believe that anyone who wants to be, is transgender and they don't view dysphoria as a requirement.

"DIY HRT" are transgender hormones that are ordered online without a prescription. Although usually not regulated with blood tests and endocronological supervision, the advocates of diy hrt say it is necessary for people who have trouble getting a prescription for whatever reason. Some even go DIY despite being able to get a prescription, because of the freedom it provides

"Restricted HRT Access", people in favor of this argue that the grey DIY market is dangerous. They say life-changing drugs like gender-affirming hormones should never be sold over the counter and should instead only be given after multiple appointments with psychologists deem it necessary.

"Trans Assimilation" encourages people to try to "pass" as the opposite gender and fit into modern day gender roles as a way to counter transphobia. Assimilationists consider "stealth"(=passing while nobody knows you are trans) the holy grail of transitioning. It is usually associated with liberal reform to achieve trans rights."

"Trans Liberation" is derived from the "Gay liberation" movement from 1960-1980s, but more specified towards trans people. It argues that for trans people to free themselves from oppression, they must engage in radical direct action. Societal shame should be countered with pride and the classical family structures must be destroyed. The movement is overtly leftist and anticapitalist.